Yes, that is what it looks like, white white white everywhere.
It is very pretty and if you get there early enough then there are no tracks and you get to drive over virgin sand. By the end of the day there are tracks everywhere, but the next day it is all back to pure whiteness again.
This the view from one of the big dunes, with Table Mountain and Koeberg in the distance, and a very cute car on the right. There is a little hole to the front right of Pepper, she kept falling in but fortunately never had to be pulled out. I don't know what that thing on the left is.
Here is a pretty picture of a pretty car and all the aforementioned tracks. You can almost see the pretty drivers whose birthday it is soon.
This is Space! struggling up a little hill climb, which necessitated a little diff-lock use, after some reminding that the car had a diff-lock. Pepper unfortunately never made it up the hill, she was too embarrassed to try again and again and again...
This is Pepper driving between some flowery dunes, things got a bit scary when Andrew decided to go bundu bashing, but that can be left for another post.
Here is Space! and Pepper all ready to go home. Bye now: