We should have dropped what we were doing and driven through then, but instead planned to go the next day (Sunday) with Space! in tow.
Well, about 150 other vehicles had the same idea - seems his SMS database must be huge!
Quite a lot of snow must have melted during the day and night before we arrived, because there was not much snow left on the lower lying ground by the Sunday.
We braved the long, dark and cold drive there - imagine Andrew and I in pants/jeans, with tracksuit pants underneath, 2 pairs of socks, fluffy lined gumboots, about 5 tops with 2 thermal vests, thick tracksuit tops and waterproof thick jackets, beanies, scarves and 2 pairs of gloves each!! We also had a thick blanket in the cab which we used the whole time!
Surprisingly we were not cold on the mountain - the drive there was much worse!
Once we managed to get through the throng of people and up the mountain, it was stop-start a lot of the way as we all snaked our way up the mountain. At some times the mist was so thick you could only see the car in front of you, so you actually had no idea why you were stopping...again...
Here we are, silly monkeys, playing in the snow...

Here is Pepper-Anne playing in the snow

Here are my parents in the snow - she blends in quite nicely.