I think what Pepper should do is go and play at the challenge at Melkbos this weekend, and then go and play in the sand on Sunday in Phillip with the Land Rover Club. So there should be a couple more photo's to post next week. And a couple more things to fix!
You can look at a picture of the White Knight in the meantime, the meanest monster 4x4 in the whole world!
Apparently that hole is full of engine oil and stinky water and stuff, and the driver had to sit in it for a while until they recovered her. Sorry for you!
are we allowed to comment on the new look? i liked the old one. this one she is like to be like like not like as nice. but that are like to be what i thinnk so like you can ignore it if you like want to. so like yar. that photo are like to be my worst nightmare!
Well then, how do you like this look? That was Kate's idea.
some responses to your commments on my bloggie o!
1. how do you know it is a transvestite and what were you doing in the bronx yourself? hmmmmm?
2. the slippers are boootiful!
3. I will send you some slippers.
4. adi is not cooked. if he is, then katie is boiled. sorry katie!
5. we did buy that cupboard it came wiv everything else. you will obviously have to come and see the cupboard to see its awfulness.
is there something different about this look? i fink i are being dumb. or you have not changed it!
This new look is pretty! I like it! Go read my blog I have a lot of moaning in it.
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