After that philosophical debate, lets get down to the nitty sandy. We deflated right down to 0.5 bar after a test run of that pressure at Melkbos the day before. We made one long convoy, with a brand new Discovery Series 3 driven by the chairman Pietie leading the way. The first hill was attacked by many and conquered by all, with one or two requiring more than one attempt. Space!: The Final Frontier being one who's captain needed to re-aquaint with the instrument panel and maximise the nebulising space-time froggle womp. In other words, "Put foot George!" "Again, this time in second!"
Here is an oh-so-pretty collage of Space! doing what it does best - driving over, down and up sand dunes.
Clockwise from top left: - Looks like you should have gone right George!
- Sand.
- Look at that awesome car. I mean the Discovery 3 sneaking its bottom into the picture. That little hill was actually really steep, so Pepper went down it in reverse!
- A view of Space! from outer space.
Here is Adam and his Series 1 being piloted over through the galaxy of sand.
If anyone wants to moan about the non-original tyre and rim setup then they should know this: Adam searched high and low and eventually found some original 1953 rims with the date stamp and everything. His car just doesn't have them on for two reasons: He doesn't want to damage them playing, and two, that original skinny tyre setup is rubbish in sand.
Pepper's little boots walked over everything with consumate ease, the very low pressure helping a lot. She attacked and conquered all the obstacles that the other newer cars did, and so she got a bit cheeky and decided to blaze some trails. Which ended up in:
The long, ropey like things attached to various parts of Pepper are not there because she is pulling someone out, it's because she got stuck. Again and again. Which is fun!
The captain of Space!: The Final Frontier decided to jump ship and pilot a far more technologically advanced universe conqueror. This was done with gay abandon, resulting in the co-pilot fleeing for his life; he was found much later in a foetal position, muttering something about roll bars or something.
Actually all I did was steal Space!: The Final Frontier while everyone was busying themselves with food. I took Adam for a drive where we both marvelled at how comfortable the vehicle was. At 100 km/h. On a sand dune! Ha ha.
One last (badly composed) photo of all the vehicles that had fun that day:
All in all a fun day, no breakages (I think) and cheap too (R0.00).
dude, it only costs 0.00 now. later when you have defroggle the womp and are moaning about all the sand in your car's underpants then you will realise the cost. looking at those pictures gives me the willies and makes me realise i dont like 4X4ing again! its scary!
Yes yes whatever whatever. Pepper always need reconstructive surgery so that little excursion doesn't count really. And you do like 4x4ing.
Very well done for naming Space!: The Final Frontier - it has the best name of any Frontier in the galaxy!
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