You can taste wine at the wine cellar if you are so inclined, or laze on the grass and have a picnic.
Or go offroading ith 2 crazy guys, one in his 110 2.8 (fast, big) and one guy in a little Suzuki SJ410. These guys were crazy crazy. At the end of the day, when they were a bit bored, they decided to make their own trails.
Crazy guy Jacque
Crazy guy Gary
And then drive up them.
Katherine has a photo of the Landy with its two front wheels in the air. We all got a turn to accompany the crazy guys as they tried this obstacle, fast and faster until they made it. Which generally entailed a lot of wheels in the air at once, or a lot of dust. I have a video of Kate getting the dust treatment, which is very funny.
But the whole point of this story is that Katherine actually drove. And enjoyed it. Even though at most times she didn't know where the front wheels were pointing. Here is Katherine hanging on for dear life while crazy guy Jacque pilots crazy guy Gary's jeep around and around the sand pit. The screams could be heard for miles...
One last picture of the cutest car in the whole world, before her little makeover, although she was wearing her new shoes:
Yeah addendum to this story. I drove with the crazy guy gary when he was driving behind andrew on a normal dirt road at a hundred k's an hour with his porche engine, when he did not realise andrew had stopped. Pepper-Anne nearly became squashed anne. so maybe I just hate driving full stop. Then again this is the same guy who when we met him coming down the mountain after the blizzard asked us how the conditions were, and then said when we told him how terrible it was, "Lekker!" So ya. he is one crazeee guy.
hey where did the side bar go? how are like people meant to navigate? put it back!
Pepper needs help with her side bar. It disappears down to the bottom of the page and we can't make it go to where it needs to go.
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